witching hour - midnight, night owl - someone who tends to stay up late, come back to haunt someone - when a bad decision can affect one later, the devil's advocate - someone who pretends to be against an idea or plan that a lot of people support in order to make people discuss and consider it in more details, in cold blood - without mercy or emotion, ghost town - an abandoned place with few or no people, out for blood - aggressively seeking to harm or get revenge, a stab in the back - a betrayal of trust, a skeleton in the closet/cupboard - an embarrassing or shameful secret from one's past, drop-dead gorgeous - extremely good-looking, scaredy cat - someone who gets easily scared, over my dead body - used to say you'll never let something happen, witch hunt - an attempt to blame and punish people who hold unpopular views and opinions, make one's blood boil - make someone very angry, roll over in one's grave - to show enormous anger, disfavour or regret for something after one has died, dig one's grave - do something that has or will have negative consequences that are easy to be foreseen, skeleton staff - the bare minimum of employees to keep an office, business, service etc. running, like a bat out of hell - very quickly and abruptly, send shivers down one's spine - scare someone stiff, death trap - something very dangerous,

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