1) I ... play baseball, I don't know the rules. a) have to b) can't c) mustn't d) can 2) I'm really tired, so it's difficult to do it ... now. a) badly b) slowly c) patient d) well 3) Your food goes down into your ... . a) stomach b) wrist c) back d) ankle 4) Soccer and ... are team sports. a) swimming b) skating c) horse-riding d) volleyball 5) You ... be 18 to drive a car in Russia. a) have to b) can c) don't have to d) can't 6) I hate going so ... . Please, slow down. a) hard b) fast c) well d) carefully 7) Your next English class is ... Monday. a) to b) in c) on d) at 8) She ... ski very well, but she is learning. a) cannot b) must c) can d) has to 9) I'd ... some information about the swimming club, please. a) help b) ask c) bring d) like 10) We are waiting ... for the bus. a) well b) fast c) patiently d) carefully

Gateway A2 Unit 3 revision

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