Do men gossip more than women?, Are there any advantages to being a man over a woman or vice versa?, Would you rather be poor and honest or rich and dishonest?, Would you rather be the main superhero or the sidekick?, Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time?, Would you rather be able to fly or read people’s minds?, Is it possible for a boss and a subordinate to be good friends? , Are humans meant to eat other species? Why should or shouldn't we do it?, Is social media making us more connected or just making it easier for people to stalk each other?, Is it better to be TikTok famous or Instagram famous?, Should social medias add a ‘dislike’ button?, Is iOS better than Android?, Is Coca-Cola better than Pepsi?, Is DC better than Marvel?, Is the law too easy on celebrities?, Are books better than movies?, Is Friends better than How I Met Your Mother?, What’s the best television show of all time?, Is beauty more important than brains?, Are introverts too quiet, or are extroverts too loud?, Is music getting better or worse over time?.

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