On jest bardzo nieatrakcyjny.. - He's very (un)attractive., On jest przystojny. - He's handsome., handsome = g _____ l ______ - good looking, dobrze zbudowany - well - built, This chair is so ______ (niewygodne). - uncomfortable, This sweater ______ (nie pasuje na mnie). - This sweater doesn't fit me., (Ubieram się) and then I eat breakfast. - I get dressed and then I eat breakfast., These shoes __(pasują)__ this dress! - These shoes go with/match this dress!, You must _____ (założyć) your hat before you go out! - You must put on your hat before you go out!, I must ____ (przymierzyć) this dress! - I must try on this dress!, (Mam na sobie) a new dress. - I'm wearing a new dress., Beige is very (modny) now. - Beige is very trendy now., (On wygląda jak) a famous celebrity. - He looks like a famous celebrity., You take _____ your mother. You look the same, - You take after your mother. You look the same,, You smile _____ the same way! - You smile in the same way!, What makes me different _______ my sister is that I love singing. - different from, He is similar ____ his father. - similar to,

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