1) They can't afford....go on holiday a) To b) Was c) Where d) Be able 2) It wass difficult..... pass the exam a) Was b) Wehere c) To d) Able 3) It's very nice.... the live a) Watch b) To was c) To watching d) Able to 4) I'm glad.... İn the school team a) Being b) Begon c) Be d) Was 5) Tom is really into music. He.... Play three instruments a) Can't b) Can c) Were d) Was 6) It.... Raining hard, but we.... Finish the match a) Was/were b) Could/couldn't c) Was/could d) Were/could 7) I.... Your son will be a good football player a) Won't b) Were c) Was d) Believe 8) Ayşe... Be a very succesful teacher a) Able b) Be c) Will d) To 9) We.... Like the restaurant because it was very dirty a) Did b) Do c) Does d) Didin't 10) I... Open the door for you a) Wan't b) Wasn't c) Won't d) Won 11) I am.... To play the piano a) Able b) Go c) Was d) Where 12) Spiderman.... Climb up walls a) Can't b) Could c) Can d) Be able to 13) I'm able.... Start work tomorrow a) Go b) To c) Begin d) Was 14) Some dinosaurs... Walk on two legs a) Was able to b) Begin able to c) Could d) Couldn't 15) It was really noisy last night so I...... Sleep a) Couldn't b) Cannot c) Be able to d) Was able to

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