1) A set of moral principles that govern how to use computers so as not to cause any harm to others and other's data: a) Computer Morals b) Computer Safety c) Computer Ethics d) Computer Values 2) A person who hacks a computer a) Cracker b) Expert c) Hacker d) Theif 3) Unethical practice of taking someone else's work and showing it as your own a) Softlifting b) Piracy c) Hacking d) Plagiarism 4) A software or hardware system to prevent unauthorised access to/from a computer is: a) Firewall b) Anti-Virus c) Protection Wall d) Secure System 5) Records and traces of online activities of a user are called - a) Carbon Footprint b) Digital Footprint c) Online Trail d) Digital Trail 6) Which is a sign of safe website? a) htps:// b) hptts:// c) http:\\ d) https:// 7) It is good to leave the computer on when not in use. a) True b) False 8) You must remain silent and don't take action against cyberbullying a) True b) False 9) What is the simplest way to prevent plagiarism? a) Piracy b) Citation c) Firewall d) Privacy 10) Internet stands for - a) Incoming Network b) Incredible Network c) International / Interconnected Network  d) National Network 11) It is a method of hacking a specific computer software or application via application software : a) Application Attacks b) Operating System Attack c) Network Infrastructure Attack d) Hacker Attack 12) Bullying using technology like internet,email, cellphones, social media etc. to hurt or harm someone. a) Criminal Bullying b) Cyber Bullying c) Online Bullying d) Secure Bullying  13) Sending of multiple unsolicited/undesired emails or text message to users: a) Hacking b) Bullying c) Cracking d) Spamming 14) Anything created in original by an individual is called : a) Plagiarism b) Intellectual Property c) Individual Property d) Phishing 15) Tricking people so that they themselves break security procedures of their computers and allow access: a) Social Engineering b) Network Infrastrunsure Attacks c) Operating System Attacks d) Application Attacks 16) Unauthorised copying of computer software: a) Privacy b) Softlifting c) Piracy d) Phising 17) General term to refer to viruses,worms,spy warehouse etc. is a) harmware b) adware c) unware d) malware 18) Gaining entry to a computer system by exploiting sensing loopholes is called: a) Piracy b) Softlifting c) Hacking d) Plagiarism 19) Which of the following are forms of software piracy? a) Software Counterfeiting and Softlifting b) Spamming and Hard Disk Loading c) Sending mails in bulk 20) IPR expands to a) Individual Property Rights b) Individual Performance Rights c) Intellectual Property Rights d) Intellectual Performance Rights 21) You are chatting online and someone starts sending nasty messages, what should you do? a) Tell an adult b) Send nasty messages back. c) Just ignore and keep on chatting. 22) our teacher has asked you to produce a fact file on a famous person, what is the best thing to do? a) Copy and paste from the first website you come across. b) Look at different websites and find which websites have the same information and write it in your own words. c) Copy your friend's fact file. 23) You receive this message via email, what do you do? 'Congratulations! You've won a new console!' a) Open it because you've always wanted a new console? b) Forward to a friend c) Delete it straight away as it can be a trap. 24) Which of the following is not an internet safety measures a) While creating your screen name, do not include personal information b) Share your password with anyone c) Don't post photos of videos online 25) What happens, when a computer is kept open online when not in use? a) It releases Nitrogen. b) It releases Carbon dioxide. c) It releases Helium. 26) Select the cyber-crimes from the following: a) Installing a firewall. b) Illegally using Copyrighted software. c) Setting up a strong, smart password on a website. 27) How is it stored? a) Temporarily b) Permanently c) For few months 28) Computing ethics is a set of: a) Technologies b) Legal issues c) Moral Principles 29) David's friend told him she was being Cyberbullied. What should David NOT do? a) Tell a trusted adult. b) Offer help to his friend. c) Encourage his friend to defend herself. d) Post mean comments to attack the bully. 30) A safe Password is ___________________. a) a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, special symbols and numbers b) special symbols and numbers c) lowercase letters and numbers d) uppercase letters and symbols

Ethics and safety measures in computing - Samruddhi


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