1) Joseph, where are you? The plane _____________ at 8.30! a) is going to land b) lands c) is landing 2) Don’t talk again like that or I swear I _____________ you! a) am going to hit b) will hit c) am hitting 3) So what are you doing this weekend?- I _________________ of going out with Ryan. What about you? a) am thinking b) am going to think c) will think 4) What are you going to do tomorrow evening?-Tomorrow evening, I ________________ my dentist. My gums are killing me! a) will see b) am going to see c) am seeing 5) My english teacher expects I _______________ choose linguistics over literature a) choose b) am going to choose c) will choose 6) I feel exhausted. I _____________ a nap. a) am going to take b) take c) am taking 7) Look at all these papers we need to sign! We _________________ a long night! a) bare having b) have c) are going to have 8) Come on, girl! We ______________ the class meeting in a little while! a) have b) are having c) are going to have 9) Now she’s rich so she ________________ to buy a Lamborghini. a) will buy b) is buying c) is going to buy 10) Where is Monica?-Oh, she ________________ late again! She’s stuck at work! a) is probably b) will probably be c) is probably going to be

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