back up - make copies/ save, search engine - a computer software used to find information, download - transfer/ move from the internet into your personal device, upload - transfer from a device to the web/ net, track - observe / control all the activities a person does on the web, available - easily obtained/ free to be seen and used, keep up with friend - stay in contact with, real life - existing or happening in reality, tedious work - repetitive work, click on an icon - press/ tap with you mouse on a icon, type in you password to enter - log on, typo - a spelling mistake made while typing, be rocket scientist - be a genius, shop online - shop via internet, glued to the screen - unable to leave the digital device, advances in technology - imporvements in technology, control remotely - control technology/ technologicl device from a distance, usually because of the internet, crash - stop working, surfing the web - move from one site to another on the internet, online piracy - download without payment, become rapidly obsolate - quickly become out of date,



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