1) ... is your name ? a) What b) Where c) Who 2) ... do you live ? a) When b) Where c) What 3) ... do you eat pizza ? a) How often b) What c) Who 4) ... makes sandwiches for you ? a) Where b) What time c) Who 5) ... will the train get here ? a) When b) What c) Where 6) ... is the bus late ? a) Who b) What c) Why 7) ... was the party like ? a) Where b) What c) When 8) ... did you see at the cinema ? a) Who b) What time c) How often 9) ... were you doing at 12 p.m. ? a) When b) What c) How 10) ... was the music loud ? a) How b) Who c) Why 11) A: ... called you ? B: Mum called me. a) Who b) What c) Where 12) A: ... did you study last night ? B: I studied History. a) How b) Where c) What 13) A: ... do you go to the cinema ? B: We go every Saturday. a) Where b) How often c) What time 14) A: ... are you eating crisps ? B: Because I'm hungry. a) What b) Why c) Where 15) A: ... will you live when you move ? B: We'll live in New York. a) Where b) When c) What 16) A: ... are you leaving ? B: I'm leaving at six o'clock. a) Where b) What c) What time 17) A: ... do you exercise, Cornelius ? B: Not very often, Mum. a) How b) How often c) Where 18) A: ... time did you get up ? B: At 5.30, Mum. a) Who b) Where c) What 19) A: ... are you tired ? B: Because we went for a long run in the morning. a) Why b) When c) Who 20) A: ... are we going after lunch ? B: To my lab . a) Where b) When c) What 21) A: ... are you calling ? B: I'm calling Dr Spark. He's visiting me today. a) When b) What c) Who 22) A: ... is he visiting ? B: Today at four o'clock. a) Where b) When c) Who

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