1) A real alarm is when there is... a) Fake news b) Real danger c) Nothing to worry about 2) Finish this sentence: A False Alarm is when... a) I am scared because I'm in real danger b) When I get the speed wobbles on my bike or scooter c) I feel scared, but I when I stop to think, I know I'll be safe 3) Finish this sentence: If a real alarm happened you would probably.... a) Be okay, nothing would happen b) Be hurt and need to go to hospital c) Get in trouble d) Be rewarded 4) For neurodivergent people, a false alarm can seem very real for them. When feeling worried it is important to: a) Push through it b) Tell a safe person c) Ignore it d) Refuse to do the activity that is creating worry e) Pause, find calm and think about the situation f) Tell someone, "I need a break" 5) Finish this sentence: If a false alarm happened you would... a) Be okay, it was a false alarm nothing bad will happen b) Need to go home c) Need to go to the hospital d) Go to principals office 6) Which of these items is a real alarm? a) Didn't do your homework b) Relief or substitute teacher for the day c) Don't know what the plan is for the day d) Crossing the road and a car is coming e) Getting dropped off at school f) Think that someone might break in at night 7) Which of these is a false alarm? Select 2 a) House is on fire b) Get the speed wobbles on a skateboard or scooter c) Toaster sets the smoke alarm off d) Getting a needle/vaccination 8) True or False, when anxiety occurs, the thinking areas of our brain become less active and we go into 'action' mode a) True b) False 9) Finish this sentence: Anxiety can... a) Make us feel good b) Help to protect us c) Stop me from being scared d) Win me a prize 10) The human brain is designed to.... a) Do the right thing b) Get chocolate c) Help us survive 11) Select the body signals that alert us to when we are anxious or worried a) Tight stomach or chest b) Smiling c) Wobbly or shakey legs d) Lots of thoughts or a headache e) Fast breathing f) Fast beating heart 12) Which of these can help us be more relaxed? a) Drinking a Coke b) Breathing really fast c) Breathing deeply and slowly d) Taking a break e) Tensing and then relaxing our body f) Being mindful 13) An inherited trait is a thing that we get from our parents. An example of a trait is: a) Our eye or hair colour b) How funny we are c) Scars from injuries d) Fortnite skills e) How scared we get from movies f) Feeling nervous when speaking to the class 14) A 'state' is a temporary time where you are feeling an emotion or having a thought. Please select the following that are states of feeling: a) Feeling nervous when speaking to the class b) Being excited to play your favourite game c) Your hair colour d) Being left or right handed 15) Select the 3 correct answers: When we get worried, the 'Danger Circuit' creates Danger Fluid which can make a person... a) Fight b) Flight c) Food d) Fire e) Freeze f) Freddo 16) Danger fluid fires up your body with special fuel to make your body: a) Stronger b) Faster c) Powerful d) Silly 17) The Danger Circuit is known as: a) The racetrack b) The obstacle system c) The parasympathetic nervous system d) The symposium 18) The the region in our brain that is responsible for our emotions is called the: a) Among Us b) A monster c) Amygdala d) Amsterdam 19) When your breathing is relaxed your body will... a) Speed up b) Relax c) Slow down 20) When you're worried you can.... a) Take strong breaths b) Think powerful thoughts

Children's Worry Quiz

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