The U.S and Soviet Union - The 2 superpowers after WWII, 4 - The number of zones that Germany was divided into, Great economic and social hardship - What the German people faced after WWII, Berlin Blockade - Stalin hoped this would force the Allied forces to leave the city, Operation Vittles - Brought food, medical supplies, fuel and clothes to over 2.5 million people in Berlin, The Berlin Airlift - The first major confrontation of the Cold War, North Korea - Soviet backed communist government, South Korea - US backed government, 1948 - The year free elections were due to take place to unite North and South Korea, Mistrust on both sides - The reason that the 1948 elections never took place in North+South Korea, 1950 - The year North Korea invaded South Korea, The US and the UN - The military support that helped the South Koreans in their war with North Korea, The Chinese - The military that helped the North Koreans in their war with South Korea, Stalemate and truce - How the war in Korea ended, Fidel Castro - A communist leader of Cuba, 1962 - The year of high tensions between the US and Soviet Union over the Cuban Missile crisis, John F Kennedy - The President of America during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Nikita Khrushchev - The Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis,

Chapter 29: The Cold War

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