1) What does Passover represent? a) YESHUA'S atonement b) YAHWEH bringing the Israelites out of Egypt c) Punishment for Egypt's first born d) All of the Above 2) Who did YAHWEH assign to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?  a) Joseph b) Abraham c) Moses d) Noah 3) Who was Pharaoh? a) The oppressor of the Israelites b) The Ruler of Egypt c) A mean ruler with a hardened heart d) None of the Above e) A, B, and C 4) Who helped Moses because of his speech ? a) The Israelite men b) Joseph c) Moses' brother Aaron  5) Moses' brother Aaron became a what? a) Egyptian b) Levitical Priest  c) Tax collector 6) What was the blood on the doorpost for? a) A sign to mark the houses of the Israelites b) To passover the house of the Israelites  c) Both A and B d) Neither 7) How did YAHWEH command the children of Israel to prepare to leave Egypt?  a) Eat in haste b) With sandals on their feet  c) With Staff in hand  d) With loins girded e) All of the above 8) What is leaven? a) Anything that would cause bread to rise b) Yeast c) Sourdough d) Baking soda e) Iniquities/ transgressions in the heart f) All of the above 9) How many days is the feast of Unleavened bread  a) 1 day b) 3 days c) 7 days 10) Which days of the feast of Unleavened bread are Shabbaths and require a qodesh Convocation? a) 1 day b) 3 days c) The 1st and the & 7th day 11) When should you remove leaven from your home? a) The first day of the feast of Unleavened bread  b) Before the feast c) Neither 12) What is important during the feast of unleavened bread? a) Remembering YESHUA's atonement b) Remove all the leaven from the home c) Repent and purge iniquities d) Eat unleavened bread 7 days e) Remember when YAHWEH delivered Israel f) All of the above 13) Who does YAHWEH wants us to focus on during the Passover and Feast of Unleavened bread? a) Ourselves b) Others c) YESHUA 14) What are the Shabbat Shabbatons?  a) Feast of Tabernacles b) Yom Kippur c) 7th day Shabbat d) B and C 15) What does YAHWEH wants us to tell our children concerning passover?  a) YAHWEH wants us to remember this day that He brought us up out of Egypt, and to tell the children so that they tell their children’s children the power of YAHWEH, and in doing so they will never forget the mighty acts and the love of our ELOHIM. b) Nothing 16) What is the definition of a proselyte? a) Someone with prosperity b) A current baptist c) “A person who has CONVERTED from one opinion, RELIGION, or party to another.” 17) Where do we find the Feast of Unleavened Bread written in the scriptures? a) Deuteronomy b) Leviticus 23:6 and Exodus 12 c) Leviticus 30 18) When is Passover? a) Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are directly connected and are only separated by the bordering of the evening. b) Passover is on the 14th Day of the 1st month at “twilight” or “in between the evenings” which is when the sun is going down but not completely dark, and when the sunsets it’s the start of the 15th Day of the 1st month which is the Feast of Unleavened when the Passover meal is eaten. c) Both A and B 19) When does Elohim say we should start eating unleavened bread? a) After Passover b) Before Passover c) ELOHIM says start eating unleavened bread on the evening of the 14th (Passover) because He is stressing that the day will shift to the 15th (Feast of Unleavened Bread) when the sunsets on the 14th. 20) What does Exodus 12:46 say about the bones of the lamb?  a) Soak them before eating the lamb b) “It is eaten in one house, you are not to take any of the flesh (lamb) outside the house, NOR are you to BREAK ANY BONE OF IT.” c) The bones must be disregarded before eating the lamb 21) Can we leave the house during passover? a) No b) Yes 22) Who is allowed to eat the Passover meal? a) People who have accepted YESHUA and the male must be circumcised.  b) Anyone c) The sojourners of a different belief 23) In Exodus 12:19 What does YAHWEH say would happen if we eat that which is leavened?  a) Nothing b) The person shall perish from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a stranger or a native in the land.  24) After the Feast of Unleavened bread when are we allowed to eat bread, parched wheat, or green ears? a) We can't eat any bread, parched wheat or green ears for days after unleavened bread.   b) Until first fruits offering has been given to YAHWEH! c) And you shall eat neither bread nor parched wheat nor green ears until that same day, until the day when you have brought an offering to your ELOHIM; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. d) All of the above

Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread/ Exodus


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