1) I´m looking forward to ________________a detailed reply to my letter a) receive b) receiving 2) ________________mistakes is a crucial part of the learning process a) Correcting b) To correct 3) It was too late ________________my opinion because my boss had already moved to another topic a) to express b) expressing 4) They agreed ________________on the new reform a) to vote b) voting 5) He expected _______________do well in the presentation a) to do b) doing 6) I now regret ______________money from my partners a) borrowing b) to borrow 7) I considered ________________this task for another one. a) swapping b) to swap 8) I don´t want _________yet. I have lots of work to do! a) leaving b) to leave 9) We would like___________________more time for this project a) to devote b) devoting 10) I advised him ___________________call his boss as soon as he arrived a) to call b) calling 11) I can´t stand people __________________ about money all the time a) talking b) to talk 12) They persuaded me__________________ for the position of assistant manager a) to apply b) applying 13) I prefer ___________________in a confortable hotel a) staying b) to stay 14) Why don´t you try ........ the companies? a) phoning b) to phone 15) He decided ....................to university next year a) to go b) going 16) She reminded her daughter ....................her new books to school a) to take b) taking 17) I admitted .....................a mistake a) making b) to make 18) I regretted not .............. harder at school a) to study b) studying 19) He has planned ...................on holidays to Paris next month. a) going b) to go 20) She has failed .....................her driving test a) to pass b) passing 21) He pretended ............ill a) being b) to be 22) I miss.....................time with my old friend a) spending b) to spend 23) I don´t fancy...............out tonight a) going b) to go 24) Do you mind ..............me a hand? a) giving b) to give 25) I don´t recommend ..........the bus, it takes ages to arrive! a) to take b) taking 26) Oliver promised .......................on time. a) arriving b) to arrive 27) I offered Mary ......................her a lift a) giving b) to give 28) There is no point ..........................that course! It is not good at all! a) to attend b) in attending 29) I am used to ........................online lessons. It is really effective. a) have b) having 30) We struggled ...................... her point of view a) to understanding b) to understand


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