What do / does the police do? - What do the police do?, What are / is the best news you have heard recently? - What is the best news you have heard recently?, Is it difficult to find a job / work at the moment? - Is it difficult to find a job at the moment?, What is the best advice / advise you have ever been given? - What is the best advice you have ever been given?, Does weather / a weather affect your mood? - Does weather affect your mood?, What do you do when you find hair / a hair in your ready-made food? - What do you do when you find a hair in your ready-made food?, Have you read any of Shakespeare’s work / works? - Have you read any of Shakespeare’s works?, What information / informations from your last English lesson do you remember? - What information from your last English lesson do you remember?, What exercise / exercises do you do on a regular basis? - What exercise do you do on a regular basis?,

New Horizons - B2 - Grammar - Lesson 43 - Practice - Ex. 5

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