1) Smart phones __________________ (use) by everyone these days. a) is used b) are used c) were used d) uses 2) The first atomic bomb _______________________ (detonate) in Japan. a) was detonated b) is detonated c) detonated d) were detonated 3) The first radio signal _________________ (send) in 1916. a) were sent b) is sent c) was send d) was sent 4) The National Gallery ___________________ (visit) by hundreds of tourists every day. a) was visited b) is visited c) visited d) are visited 5) Coffee ______________ (grow) in Brazil. a) was grown b) grow c) is grown d) is grew 6) Teenagers _________________ (expect) to follow the rules. a) are expected b) expect c) is expected d) expected 7) A new planet ______________________ (discover) in 2019 by Wolf Cukier, a 17-year-old boy. a) were discovered b) is discovered c) discovered d) was discovered 8) Democracy ____________________ (introduce) in ancient Greece. a) is introduced b) was introduced c) were intoduced d) introduced 9) Blushing _______________ (cause) by adrenalin. a) is caused b) causes c) are caused d) was caused 10) About eight per cent of your body weight _______________________ (make up) by blood a) makes up b) made up c) is made up d) make up

The passive voice

Lestvica vodilnih

Vizualni slog


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