Bucket list: Mention a place you plan to visit someday..., What are you doing tonight?, Mention a place you're going to visit soon because you have to..., A movie /TV series that you plan to see in the days to come, Mention 3 things that definitely won't happen to you this year, Is there an appointment that you are going to go this week?, Crystal ball: How will CDMX change in the next 5 years?, Bucket list: Mention a place you'd like to live in your retirement days., When are to going to meet with your friends/crush?, How will you celebrate your next birthday?, Mention something you're going to do next week., Your plans for next Christmas, Crystal ball: Will robots replace humans? Which jobs are likely to disappear because of robots?, Are you planning to get married soon?, Is one of your best friends going to go to another country in the next 3 years?.

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