All people should have the right to own guns., The death penalty should be abolished., Feminism does more harm than good., Human cloning should be legalized., All drugs should be legalized., Churches should have to pay the full amount of tax., It’s easier being a man than a woman., Religion should be taught in schools., Pizza is better than pasta., Alcohol should only be sold during very limited hours., Censorship in all forms is wrong., Animal testing should be banned., Juveniles should be tried and treated as adults., Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today., Violent video games should be banned., The Earth might actually be flat., The minimum wage should be $15 per hour., All people should have Universal Basic Income., Sex work should be legal, Homeless people should be given free housing by the government., Public prayer should not be allowed in schools., Online education is inferior to in-person., All students should have an after-school job or internship, All student loan debt should be eliminated., All people should be vegetarians., Euthanasia should be banned., Online education is inferior to in-person., People should be legally required to get vaccines., Obesity should be labelled a disease., The sale of human organs should be legalized., Social media has improved human communication., Life is easy when you’re beautiful., The development of artificial intelligence will help humanity., Humans should invest in technology to explore and colonize other planets., Aliens are real.

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