1) I often ... at the City Hotel when I'm ... a business trip. a) am staying, on b) stay, on c) stay, at d) am staying, at 2) This is ... hotel I've ever stayed at! a) the expensivest b) the expensiver c) the most expensive 3) This room is ... than the others I stayed in. a) dirtyer b) dirtier c) more dirtier 4) This presentation is the ... I've ever seen. I hope I will speak ... than that man. a) worst, better b) baddest, gooder c) worse, best 5) Last year we ... at a conference in Bonn, but we ... like the city. a) were, did like b) was, didn't liked c) were, didn't like d) was, didn't like 6) At the moment they ... a report about last year's sales. a) write b) are writing c) are write d) have written 7) - Does Kate usually organize off-site meetings? - Yes, she ... . a) does b) is c) was d) do 8) Currently we are ... a new strategy to attract more customers. a) developing b) promoting c) installing 9) Our finance department ... invoices and payments. a) recruits b) designs c) prepares 10) - ... Rob ... invoices this week? - Yes, he ... . a) Is, checking, is b) Does, check, does c) Is, checking, does d) Does, check, is 11) - Jane's off sick today, Karen is ... for her. a) filling out b) filling in c) filling into 12) Tomorrow morning Amanda ... the train to Birmingham. a) takes b) has taken c) is taking d) will take 13) As for our plans, we ... a new line of businesswear. a) will launch b) are going to launch c) going to launch d) will going to launch 14) Our supplier ... us with the best materials for our products. a) provides b) manufactures c) customizes 15) - I don't think that the new returns service ... a success. a) will be b) is going to be c) is being 16) - I'm sure that you ... the best presentation ever. - Thanks, I promise I ... my best. a) are going to give, will do b) will give, will do c) are giving, am going to do 17) Our prices depend on how soon you need the ... . a) to deliver b) delivery c) delivers 18) I hope you're doing ... . a) good b) well c) goodly 19) A demand is ... a) a report with someone's opinion b) when many people want to buy a product c) information about prices/conditions 20) Please let me know if you would like to ... an order or need some ... information. a) do, further b) place, further c) place, farther d) do, farther 21) I left ... . a) my umbrella at the restaurant last week. b) my umbrella last week at the restaurant. c) at the restaurant last week my umbrella. d) last week my umbrella at the restaurant. 22) Jane is a ... person. She always talks so ... . a) kindly, kind b) kind, kindly c) kind, kind d) kindly, kindly 23) We need this information ... . Could you send it as ... as possible? a) urgent, soon b) urgently, soon c) urgent, soonly 24) Companies like Apple, ... is based in the US, are changing the world. a) which b) who 25) Smartwatches have got sensors ... collect information about the users. a) which b) that c) who 26) Jane is the person ... I trust the most. a) which b) who 27) We're ... the number of products from 20,000 down to 10,000. a) increasing b) decreasing c) improving 28) If we ... a fall in sales, we ... more promotion campaigns. a) will see, will have b) see, having c) see, will have 29) We ... give you a bigger discount ... you place a small order. a) won't, when b) won't, if c) will, when d) will, if 30) We ... an order from Poland. a) recently receive b) have recently receive c) have recently received d) has recently received 31) Jane ... her report yet. a) hasn't wrote b) haven't written c) hasn't written d) haven't write 32) - ... been to France? a) Have you ever b) Have you never c) Were you ever 33) - We need to postpone the meeting. ... time tomorrow? a) Have you b) Have you got c) Do you have 34) Last week, they ... a solution to this problem. a) found b) have found c) founded 35) You ... eat at the canteen, but the food is really good there. a) mustn't b) must c) don't have to d) mustn't to 36) You ... work so much - it's not so good for your health. a) should b) shouldn't c) don't have to d) mustn't 37) You ... touch this server switch! It's dangerous. a) must b) mustn't c) don't have to d) shouldn't 38) I ... a call from my boss last Friday. Tomorrow I ... a meeting with him. a) got, am having b) get, will have c) got, have 39) I've lived in Germany ... three years ... we moved here in 2010. a) for, since b) since, for c) since, since d) for, for 40) I feel that my English ... much better. a) become b) has become c) is become

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