1) What is the first book in the Bible? a) Exodus b) Genesis c) Psalms d) The Very Hungry Caterpillar 2) The Bible was first written in the English language? a) No way! b) Of course! c) Was English even a language back then? 3) In the Creation story, how many days did God take to create the world? a) 10 days. b) 1! Come on, it's God! c) 7, like our weeks. d) Thousands of years 4) What was the name of the first man? a) Mark b) Moses c) Jesus d) Adam 5) What was the name of the first woman? a) Eve b) Mary c) Marta d) Joy 6) What was the name of the guy that made an ark? a) Abraham b) Tony Stark, probably. c) Noah d) Matthew 7) What did David work as for his father? a) A lawyer b) A shepherd c) A carpenter d) A high school teacher e) A pastor 8) Who did God give the Ten Commandments to? a) Moses b) Noah c) Me? d) My parents 9) Name the city where Jesus was born? a) London b) Bethlehem c) Judea d) Egypt e) Middlebury 10) Who baptized Jesus? a) His mom b) His pastor c) John the Baptist d) Peter, his follower 11) Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job? a) He was a carpenter b) He was a middle school teacher c) He was a shepherd d) He didn't work 12) True or False: Jesus turned water into Coca-Cola? a) Yes! b) No! 13) If it wasn't Coca-Cola. What was it? a) Milk b) Wine c) Chocolate d) Tea 14) How many disciples did Jesus choose? a) Nobody b) 12 c) 5 d) 37,835 15) How many of each animal came onto Noah's ark? a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4 16) When do we say "Christ is Risen"? a) On Christmas b) On Ash Wednesday c) On New Year's Eve d) On Easter 17) What is the common name of the first four books in the New Testament? a) The Fantastic 4 b) The Gospels c) The Psalms d) The Stories 18) What did Jesus have to feed the 5000? a) 2 fish and 5 loafs of bread b) 5 kitKats c) 5000 fish and 5000 loafs of bread d) Nothing 19) What are the names of the 4 Gospels a) Matthew, Mark, Luke and John b) David, Moses, Noah, John c) Paul, Marta, Matthew, Andrew d) Mary, Peter, Mark, James

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