1) He ______ in a cafe when I ______ him.(sit, see) a) was sitting/ saw b) sat/saw c) sat/was seeing d) were sitting/was seeing 2) When I ______, the sun ______.(go out, shine ) a) went out/shone b) was going out/shone c) was going out/was shining d) went out/ was shining 3) The boy ______ while he ______.(fall down, run) a) fell down/ran b) was falling down/was running c) fell down/was running d) was falling down/ran 4) When the war ______ we ______ in London.(begin , live) a) began/lived b) was beginning/was living c) began/were living d) was beginning/lived 5) The light ______ while I ______ tea. (go out, have) a) went out/had b) went out/was having c) was going out/was having d) was going out/had 6) My friends ______ when I ______ into the room.(sing, come) a) were singing/come b) were singing/was coming c) sang/came d) were singing/came 7) While you  ______the piano, I ______ a letter.(play, write) a) were playing/wrote b) were playing/was writing c) played/wrote d) played/was writing 8) He ______ his dinner when I ______ him. (eat, call) a) ate/called b) ate/was calling c) was eating/was calling d) was eating/called 9) She ______at school when the earthquake ___________ . (study, happen) a) study/happen b) was studying/was happenning c) was studying/happened d) studying/happened 10) When the phone _____ I ______ a bath.(ring, have) a) rang/had b) was ringing/was having c) was ringing/had d) rang/was having 11) They _______ when they ___________ an avalanche. (ski, see) a) skied/seed b) was skiing / saw c) skied/ were seeing d) were skiing/ saw 12) One day, Colin _______ his breakfast while he _______ to a programme on the radio about the fight against plastic. (eat, listen) a) ate/ listened b) ate / was listening c) was eating/ was listening d) was eating /listened

U2 L3 Past Simple - Past Continuous (AE2)

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