All cyclists must wear helmets , Cars should be banned in all towns and cities , 16-year-olds should vote in the next General Election , Smoking should be forbidden in cafés and restaurants, Computer classrooms and Internet lessons are enough - no need to go to school, From next term school uniforms should be mandatory, Pupils have too little power in school. Pupils need to decide more. , Teachers treat boys and girls differently , Computers destroy your social life , Women must also do military service , Homework needs to be forbidden - reduce stress for kids. , Every school needs to have Sports for one hour every day, Mobiles need to be forbidden in all schools , English is not enough- another foreign language needs to be obligatory for all pupils , All pupils must have grades from school year 4, No more free school lunch - a hamburger chain will take over and you pay 20 SEK per lunch, No moped until you're 18. Too many accidents with young people , Children must work to support their families, Boys and girls should not go to the same classes- they distract each other , All skirts need that girls wear at school need to be long - below the knee.

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