Questions, you answer back in sign., Q: your name., Q: how old are you., Q: what did you have for lunch?, Q: your phone-number., Q: How many pets do you have/want?, Q: who are your bestfriends?, Q: Who or where taught you your ASL? Or are they still instructing you?, Phrases; repeat the written phrases, but convert them into ASL., "See you later.", "Hello! I am Deaf, and what are you?", “Wait, I am confused.”, "I work at HEB, it's nice.", “I live in American.”, "I don't know what to do.", "Introduce me to your friend.", "When is your birthday?", "When will be the meeting?" , “I took the phone.”, "How many friends do you have?", "I live in a residential school.", "I go to a mainstream school.", "I have to call my mother on facetime tomorrow.", "What do you do for work?", "How did you meet?", "We adopted two baby cats.", "The oldest one's name is Cheeto.", "The youngest one's name is August.", "That boy was cute.", "They were so beautiful!", "That girl is so pretty.", "What are we? What's our relationship?", "I don't want this relationship. I want to breakup.", "I have a girlfriend, her name is Sonya.", "Their name is Drew, I don't like them. They're a bad friend.", "My mom doesn't like my aunt, she forgot her birthday.", "My father-in-law has a dog, his name is Rex.", "My half-sister is so clean. I like her.", “I like when grandpa story tells.”, That's it, keep practicing!.

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