Did you visit your grandparents last weekend?, Did your dad cook yesterday?, What time did you arrive to your English class last Friday?, Did you go to any special place last weekend?, What did you do yesterday afternoon?, Did you have any birthday party last week?, DID YOU TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS LAST YEAR? - Double points, What time did you watch TV yesterday?, Did you go to the cinema last month?, Did you play videogames yesterday?, Did your mom cook pizza yesterday?, DID YOU ACT IN THE ICE AGE MOVIE? - Double Points, Did you go on holiday last year?, Did you play any outdoor game last Saturday?, Did you cook any dessert on Friday?, Did you read a book last week?, DID YOU TEACH MATHEMATICS AT SCHOOL THIS MORNING? - Double Points, Where did you travel on your last holidays?, Did you go to school on bike?.

Speaking - Simple past


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