got through to - I just haven’t succeeded in making him understand me. I just haven’t ____ him. (get), speak up - Unless you raise your voice, nobody will hear you. Unless you ___ nobody will hear you. (speak), went on - We asked him to be quiet, but he continued speakingWe asked him to be quiet, but he ___ speaking. (go), making it up - You’re inventing a story and I don’t believe you. You’re ___ and I don’t believe you. (make), fallen out - Oh dear, Jane and Stephan have had another argument. Oh dear, Jane and Stephan have ___ again. (fall), brought up - At the meeting, she raised the issue of smoking in the canteen. At the meting, she ___ the issue of smoking in the canteen. (bring), pass on - Could you give Briony my best wishes when you see her? Could you ___ my best wishes to Briony when you see her? (pass), talks down to - He always talks to us as if he thinks we are not important or not intelligent. He always ___ us. (talk), talked me into - I didn’t really want to go out, but my friends persuaded me. I didn’t really want to go out, but my friends __ it., cut me off - I wish you wouldn’t interrupt me all the time. I wish you wouldn’t ___ all the time., put across - She made several suggestions. she ___ several suggestions. (put), talk it over with - If you have a problem, discuss it with your teacher. If you have a problem, ___ your teacher. (talk), put herself across - She explained her thoughts well and ideas clearly in front of the audience. She ___ well in front of the audience. (put), talk back to - Don’t answer me in such a rude way. Don’t ___ me. (talk), take it back - I shouldn’t have made those rude comments about you, and I admit I was wrong. I shouldn’t have made those rude comments about you, and I ___ . (take), take me through - Could you explain the rules to me? Could you ___ the rules? (take), get through to - I can’t contact him by phone because his phone is engaged. I can’t ___ him because his phone is engaged. (get), coming up with - Children are always suddenly saying the most surprising things. Children are always ___ surprising things. (come), speaking for - Everyone is going to miss you, and I’m saying this on everyone’s behalf. I’m ___ all of us when I say that we’re going to miss you. (speaking), spoke out against - He criticized his boss in front of everyone. He ___ his boss in front of everyone.,

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