1) Let's meet ... Sunday. a) on b) in 2) We have breakfast ... the morning. a) in b) at 3) It is warm here ... winter. a) on b) in 4) School starts ... Monday. a) at b) on 5) Lessons finish ... 2 pm. a) at b) in 6) My birthday is ... July. a) on b) in 7) I am very happy ... this day. a) in b) on 8) Can we meet ... dinnertime? a) at b) on 9) Lessons finish ... the afternoon. a) at b) in 10) Summer starts ... June. a) in b) at 11) We moved here ... 2017. a) in b) at 12) I went to school ... 2000. a) in b) at 13) The film starts ... 3! Hurry up! a) in b) at 14) I have English ... Wednesday and ... Friday. a) on, on b) in, in, c) on, at 15) Children can't go alone late ... the evening. a) at b) in 16) Little children sleep ... dinnertime. a) in b) at 17) The train leaves ... five. a) at b) on 18) Don't go to the beach ... the afternoon - it's very hot! a) at b) in 19) My father comes home late ... the evening. a) in b) at 20) School holidays start ... the 24th of December. a) on b) at 21) Christmas is ... the 25th of December. a) on b) at 22) We have many presents ... Christmas. a) on b) at

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