露营lù yíng  - camping, 探险tàn xiǎn - explore/adventure in places with few people, 袜子wà zǐ - socks, 手电筒shǒu diàn tǒng - torchlight, 防止fáng zhǐ - prevent, 单独dān dú - alone, 禁止jīn zhǐ - prohibit/ban, 贵重guì zhòng - valuable, 安排ān pái - arrange(activities ), 野外yě wài - wild/field, 物品清单wù pǐn qīng dān - item checklist, 卫生用品wèi shēng yòng pǐn - toiletries , 睡袋shuì dài - sleeping bag, 防蚊用品fáng wén yòng pǐn - mosquito repellent, 注意事项zhù yì shì xiàng - items to take note of, 期间qī jiān - during this period, 行动xíng dòng - action/move, 保管bǎo guǎn - safeguard, 竞赛jìng sài - contest/race/competition, 绑bǎng - tie, 齐心协力qí xīn xié lì - work tgt as one, 配合pèi hé - cooperate , 狼吞虎咽láng tūn hǔ yān - gobbling down the food, 顿dùn - quantifier for meals, 排骨pái gǔ - ribs, 椰树yē shù - coconut tree, 黄昏huáng hūn - dusk/ before evening, 同伴tóng bàn - partner, 不管三七二十一bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī - regardless of the consequences, 闪着shǎn zhe - flash/blink,

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