When the resting potential across the membrane of a neuron is temporarily lost - Depolarisation, A brief reversal of the resting potential across the cell surface membrane - Action potential, Usually -50mV. If this is reached more sodium ion channels open, causing an action potential - Threshold potential, The short time after firing during which it is more difficult to stimulate a neuron - Refractory period, When the resting potential is lower than usual. Occurs after an action potential - Hyperpolarised, A fatty layer around a neuron that consists of many layers of plasma membranes of Schwann cells - Myelin sheath, The potential difference or voltage across the neurone cell membrane while the neuron is not being stimulated - Resting potential, These allow ions to pass through a membrane according to changes in potential difference - Voltage-gated channel, When the potential difference returns to negative inside the cell compared with outside - Repolarisation, A small depolarization of the membrane in a receptor cell - Generator potential, A protein carrier that requires energy from ATP to move Na+ and K+ ions in opposite directions simultaneously - Sodium/potassium pump, A long, thin strand of a neuron that carries an impulse away from the cell body - Axon,

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