1) Which one is the kind of action? a) Saying "thank you" b) Pushing others to be in the line c) Telling secrets about someone d) laughing when someone falls down 2) Which one is the unkind action? a) Saying "thank you" b) Smiling at teachers & friends c) Asking friends to play together d) Pushing others to be in the line 3) How many pillars of Islam? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 4) The first pillar of Islam is a) Solat fardhu 5 times a day b) Say shahadah c) Fasting in the month of Ramadhan d) Pay zakat 5) How many times a day that we need to do solat fardhu? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 6) What is the name of surah that we must recite during our solat? a) al-Ikhlas b) Yasin c) al-Fatihah d) an-Naas 7) How many pillars of solat? a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12 e) 13 8) How many rukun in solat? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 9) Which one of these is not rukun in solat? a) Qauli (must recite) b) Fi'ili (must do the action) c) Qada' & Qadar d) Qalbi (in your heart) 10) Our solat is valid when we a) Talk to our friend b) Focus on the sajdah c) Chew food inside a mouth d) Move a lot 11) How many parts of wajib to wash for wudhu'? a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 12) Which of these is the wajib part to wash during wudhu'? a) Wash hands b) Wash mouth c) Wash face d) Wash ears 13) Which one of these is solat that we perform during "midday"? a) Fajr b) Zuhr c) Asr d) Maghrib e) Isha 14) What is the name of solat fardhu that we perform between sunset and midnight? a) Fajr b) Zuhr c) Asr d) Maghrib e) Isha 15) How many rakaat of solat fardhu altogether that we need to perform in a day? a) 11 b) 13 c) 15 d) 17 16) Which of this food is healthier to eat? a) Cheese b) Candy c) Ice cream d) Rice 17) When we begin something, we say a) Bismillah b) Alhamdulillah c) MashaAllah d) Allahuakbar 18) Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was born in a) Madinah b) Makkah c) Malaysia d) Maldives 19) Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was born on the _____ Rabiul Awwal. a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13 20) Prophet Muhammad S.A.W father's name was Abdullah and his mother was a) Amani b) Aminah c) Amni d) Amizah 21) How many pillars of Iman? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 22) All the pillars of Iman start with the word a) I can b) I believe c) I do 23) How many Malaikat that we need to believe with? a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12 24) Which of Allah's books(Kitab) that still available and can be accessed until now? a) Zabur b) Taurat c) Injil d) Al-Quran 25) Who was the prophet number 10 in the 25 lists of prophets? a) Idris b) Yakub c) Yusuf d) Ayyub e) Muhammad 26) Who is the name of 2 Malaikat that write our good deeds and bad deeds? a) Raqib and Nakir b) Munkar and Atid c) Raqib and Atid d) Munkar and Nakir e) Riduan and Malik f) Jibril and Izrail 27) Malaikat that will blow a trumpet as a sign of the day of Qiyaamah a) Israfil b) Izrail c) Mikail d) Jibril 28) Allah is Al-Khaliq. Al-Khaliq means a) The One b) The Most Merciful c) The Creator 29) Which one of these is not Allah's creation? a) Tree b) Sun c) Aeroplane d) Ocean e) Birds 30) Allah is Al-Ahad. Al-Ahad means a) The All-Hearing b) The Giver of Life c) The One

Islamic Studies Y1: Answer all the question.


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