1) Hola a) Hi b) Allo c) See you later 2) Que tal? a) Hello? b) How are you? c) See you later? 3) Bien a) I'm fine b) I'm bad c) I'm very well 4) Muy bien a) I'm fine b) I'm very fine c) I don't know 5) Gracias a) You are welcome b) For you c) Thank you 6) Por favor a) thank you b) bye c) please 7) Hasta luego a) thank you b) see you later c) bye bye 8) adios a) see you later b) see you never! c) Bye 9) buenos dias a) in the morning b) sometimes in the morning c) good morning 10) buenas tardes a) in the afternoon b) good afternoon c) never afternoon

Greetings in Spanish

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