Drought - When there is little or no rain for a long time, and the land is dry, Flood - When there is too much water, and it covers the land, Climate change - A change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over a long period of time., Global Warming - The increase in temperature of the Earth caused by humans, (sea/air) Pollution - The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment, Sea level rise - The average increase in the water level of the Earth's oceans., Toxic waste - Poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes, Carbon emissions - Carbon dioxide that planes, cars, factories, etc. produce, thought to be harmful to the environmen, Renewable energy - Energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed., Fossil fuels - Fuels made from decomposing plants and animals, Melting ice caps - Disappearance of thick layers of ice and snow that cover the North and South Poles.,

GT B1 - Environment collocations - unit 6 - Chris' Escuela de Idiomas

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