1) You look tired. You __________ sleep and rest. a) Should b) Shouldn't 2) He ____________ drive so fast. He will have an accident one day. a) Shouldn't b) Should 3) This is an area only for doctors. You _________ be here a) Shouldn't b) Should 4) She failed the exam. She ________ study hard. a) Should b) Shouldn't 5) They_________ take the bus if they want to be on time. a) Shouldn't b) Should 6) You ___________ walk alone, the city is dangerous at ninght a) Shouldn't b) Should 7) Peter ________ see a doctor. He is very sick a) Should b) Shouldn't 8) Sara ___________ smoke so much. It is not good for her health a) Should b) Shouldn't 9) You __________ eat healthier, include fruits in your diet a) Should b) Shouln't 10) He_________ spend too much money on clothes. a) Shouldn't b) Should 11) You ______ listen to your mother. She is very wise a) Should b) Shouln't 12) You________ drink alcohol. You’re not 18 a) Should b) Shouln't

Should- Shouldn't


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