Not all students have access to all activities & opportunities. - Conduct an equity audit to identify gaps in opportunities & services., Teachers tend to be well intentioned dream crushers . - Train all educators to function as dream managers, not dream crushers., IEP goals are limited to one year and only focus on immediate needs. No "Big Dreams". - Make IEPs living documents that require revisions as dreams and needs change., Transition plans are only for IEP students when they turn 16+. - Begin transition plans for all students when they enter the school system., IEPs are created before families & students are invited to contribute. - Develop plans annually in partnership with families, to capture successes & challenges., IEPs do not include information that is useful to educators & students on a daily basis. - Use individualized goal attainment scales to measure student progress.,

Changing the Approach to Student Aspirations: Try to match the challenges to possible solutions before checking on page 124 of your book.


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