1) lemon juice contains a.... a) weak acid called citric acid b) strong acid called sodium hydroxide c) weak alkali called calcium hydroxide d) strong alkali called ethanoic acid 2) pure water is a) acidic as it is pH 5 b) akaline as it is pH 9 c) neutral as it is pH 7 3) litmus paper does what in acid? a) litmus paper turns red b) litmus paper turns blue c) litmus paper turns purple 4) liquid litmus does what when neutral? a) litmus turns red b) litmus turns blue c) litmus turns green d) litmus turns purple  5) universal indicator turns purple in a) strong acids b) strong alkalis c) weak acids d) weak alaklais e) neutral materials 6) Alkalis are used for which of the following a) car batteries b) drain cleaners c) making coffee 7) Alkalis feel..... a) soft b) soapy c) hot d) sticky 8) toothpaste is a) acidic so that it kills bacteria b) alkaline so that it neutralises acids c) neutral so that it doesn't damage teeth 9) sodium hydroxide is a) added to toothpaste to make it acidic b) added to tothpaste to make it alkaline c) neutral 10) paper is made with...... a) acids b) alkalis 11) sulfuric acid is used for making a) cakes b) paint c) glue 12) If a material is yellow with universal indicator it must be a) weakly alkaline b) weakly acidic c) neutral d) strongly alkaline e) strongly acidic 13) which of these is not an acid a) sulfuric b) sodium hydroxide c) nitric d) citric 14) universal covers what pH range..... a) 1-14 b) 1-7 c) 0-14 d) 7-14 15) Strong alkalis are often.... a) corrosive b) harmful to the environment c) irritants d) safe

FFynone House Y7: acids and alkalis I - uses of acids and alkalis, indicators, pH scale

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