1) "Jus' forget it. " "I didn't mean it. Jus' foolin'. I wouldn't want to go to a place like that" a) Crooks b) Lennie c) Candy d) Curly's WIfe 2) "I thought I toll you not to tell nobody about that'. a) Crooks b) George c) Lennie d) Curly's wife 3) "I aint sure I want you here no more" a) George b) Lennie c) Crooks d) Candy 4) "You know what I could do to you if you open your trap?" a) Lennie b) George c) Curly's wife d) Candy 5) "We aint got nothing to say to you at all" a) Curly's Wife b) Lennie c) Candy d) George 6) "he aint give nobody the one two since he got his hand bust" a) Curly's wife b) Lennie c) Crooks d) George

OMAM Chapter 4 Quiz


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