1) The Cannes Film Festival is the most famous film festival in the world. If a film (A1) ... there, it is immediately famous. The festival is also where some of the film industrie's most important business takes place and where many actors become stars. a) presents b) has presented c) will present d) is presented e) is presenting 2) The idea began in 1939 when the French government decided to have an international festival. They chose Cannes, which is in southern France, because it is sunny and beautiful town. The festival was put off until after the war and finally (A2) ... place on September 20, 1946. a) has taken b) was taken c) took d) has been taking e) is taken 3) At first, the festival was mainly a tourist and a social event. However, as more and more films (A3) ... it was seen as something more important. a) showed b) were showing c) were shown d) have shown e) will show 4) Today it (A4) ... the most important event of the year for the film industry. a) has becoming b) was become c) was becoming d) will be become e) has become

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