– Ok, I can do the first one. This is Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter, the one “who must not be named”! And here is the actor, Ralph Fiennes. He doesn’t really look like Lord Voldemort. He is not bald, he’s got short dark hair, a beard and a moustache. Lord Voldemort is bald; he doesn’t have eyebrows and his eyes look ____ bigger and lighter. – His skin is ____ paler, too. It’s almost blue. He’s got more wrinkles. And, what’s wrong with his nose? It’s ____ shorter. – In fact, Lord Voldemort doesn’t really have a nose, it’s disappeared. Probably, because of the dark magic. – Oh, I see. The actor looks ____ more handsome, to be honest. Well, number two is Cruella, I watched the film last month on Disney+. And the actress is Emma Stone. She looks very much like Cruella, but her hair is ____ shorter and it is red. Cruella’s got natural black and white hair. It’s also the fringe that’s different. Cruella has a front fringe and Emma Stone is wearing a side fringe. It’s really pretty. But I think she looks ____ older. – Not at all. She’s got a lovely smile and her face is ____ friendlier. Cruella looks pale and she’s ____ thinner. She doesn’t really look healthy. – This is just the make-up, that makes her look pale: the red lipstick and black eyebrows, too. Cruella rocks!

Form 7 Unit 1 Lesson 5

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