1) A word that refers to a place, thing, person,event,substance, or quality : a) noun b) verb c) pronoun 2) A word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase: a) adjective b) pronoun c) preposition 3) A word that describes an action, condition, or experience: a) verb b) noun c) adverb 4) A word that describes a noun or pronoun: a) adverb b) pronoun c) adjective 5) A word that gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or a phrase:  a) adjective b) adverb c) preposition 6) A word that connects words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence: a) pronoun b) conjunction c) preposition 7) A word that is used to show a short sudden expression of emotions: a) interjections b) conjunction c) adjective 8) A word that is used before a noun or a pronoun: a) preposition b) adjective c) article 9) " Quickly " is an adjective. a) true b) false 10) " She " is a subject pronoun. a) true b) false 11) " A friendly man " friendly is an adjective. a) true b) false 12) Bonheur has lost the bag she was holding. Is the bag hers? a) demonstrative pronoun b) possessive pronoun c) possessive adjective  13) " Of " is a conjunction. a) true b) false 14) Will it be alright if I bring a friend? a) verb b) noun c) adverb 15) The apples that I bought yesterday are already spoiled. a) relative pronoun b) demonstrative pronoun c) preposition 16) I will think of you when I am lying on the beach next week. a) adjective / noun b) noun / adjective c) adjective / adverb 17) I am going to keep asking her out until she says " Yes ". a) noun b) adverb c) conjunction 18) You are not allowed to tell anybody about it. a) preposition / indefinite pronoun b) indefinite pronoun / preposition c) adverb / adjective 19) I designed the project myself. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun c) demonstrative pronoun 20) The Teacher called Jim to ask him a question. a) subject pronoun b) object pronoun c) possessive pronoun 21) Choose the correctly punctuated sentence. a) Skiing is excellent in Vail, Colorado, Taos, New Mexico, and Aspen, Colorado. b) Skiing is excellent in Vail, Colorado; Taos, New Mexico; and Aspen, Colorado. 22) Choose the correctly punctuated sentence. a) I enjoyed the novel, nevertheless, I don't want to see the film. b) I enjoyed the novel; nevertheless, I don't want to see the film. 23) Which sentence is written correctly? a) The two boys' rucksacks were found at the water's edge. b) The two boys rucksacks' were found at the water's edge. 24) Choose the correctly punctuated sentence. a) The following subjects are required, English, Math, History, and Science. b) The following subjects are required: English, Math, History, and Science. 25) Which sentence is written correctly? a) The gorillas escaped through the zoos entrance. b) The gorillas escaped through the zoo's entrance. 26) Victor wanted to perfect his line, so he rehearsed by himself. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 27) Pull yourself together; the play itself starts in a minute. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 28) One of the actors admires himself in the mirror. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 29) The talented actress had given herself one week to master the lines. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 30) Our drama teacher has written the play himself. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 31) Mrs. Bonheur had provided the refreshments herself. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 32) Members of the audience really enjoyed themselves at the play. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 33) Did you enjoy yourselves at the play? a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 34) The video camera itself uses a timer to turn off. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 35) I myself had watched movies to learn how to act. a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 36) After the performance, we will treat ourselves to dessert a) reflexive pronoun b) intensive pronoun 37) What is a metaphor? a) A direct comparison using the word “like” or “as.” b) A direct comparison that state one thing is another. 38) What is a simile? a) inA direct comparison using the word “like” or “as.” b) A direct comparison that state one thing is another. 39) What is imagery in literature? a) The author's use of description and vivid language, deepening the reader's understanding of the work, by appealing to the senses. b) It refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas and qualities. It appeals to the intellect and emotion of the reader. 40) What is symbolism in literature? a) The author's use of description and vivid language, deepening the reader's understanding of the work, by appealing to the senses. b) It refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas and qualities. It appeals to the intellect and emotion of the reader.

First Term Exam Language Arts-Grade 10~Teacher Serein


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