Corrie/Cirque - Starting place of a glacier. Feature of glacial erosion formed by processes of plucking and abrasion, Plucking and Abrasion - processes of glacial erosion , Tarn - lake found in a corrie/cirque, Arete - ridge that separates 2 or more corries/cirques, U-shaped Valley - Glaciated valley shaped by moving ice, Moraine - Material deposited by a glacier, Recessional moraine - Moraine marking temporary stop in the retreat of a glacier, Terminal moraine - Marks the end point of a glacier , Lateral Moraine - Material deposited at the side of a glacier as it moves., Medial Moraine - When 2 glaciers meet, the lateral moraines combine together in the middle of the glacier, Erratic - large boulders that were deposited by ice, Drumlin - Oval shaped hills of deposited glacial materia, Esker - a long, winding ridge of sand or gravel deposited when the glacier melted.,

Glaciation Key features and discriptions

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