1) I´m sure she .......... pass the exam. She studied really hard. a) will b) is going to  c) are going to  2) I ____ visit Paris next week. a) am going to  b) will c) is going to  3) They ____ get a new computer, because their old computer broke down. a) will b) are going to c) is going to 4) I think my mum _____ like this movie. a) is going to b) are going to c) will 5) Just a minute. I ___ help you with the bags. a) am going to b) will c) won't 6) Why are you holding a piece of paper? - I _____ write a letter to my friends . a) will b) am going to c) is going to 7) Can you help me with this exercise? - Of course, I ................. help you. No problem. a) is going to b) are going to c) will 8) I haven't got a phone. - I ............... lend you mine. a) will b) are going to c) is going to 9) I .................... be there on time, I promise. a) will b) are not going to  c) isn't going to 10) I want to visit Paris next year so I _____ learn French next term. a) am going to b) will c) is going to 11) The phone is ringing. I _____ answer it. a) am not going to  b) will  c) is going not to 12) ___ we use the cars in the future? - I don't think so. a) Will b) Are we going to 13) What _____ you ____ do after lesson? a) are you going to b) will c) is going to 14) Look at his face! He is completely pale! He ................ to throw up soon. a) will b) is going to c) are going to

Will / be going to


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