1) Change the sentence "I eat breakfast" to the present progressive tense. a) I am eat breakfast. b) I am eating breakfast. c) I ate breakfast. d) I will eat breakfast. 2) Complete the Sentence with the Correct Form: "The sun ___ when we reached the beach yesterday." a) sets b) is setting c) was setting d) set e) setting 3) Change the sentence "I write a novel" in the future progressive tense. a) I will be writing a novel. b) I write novels. c) I am writing a novel. d) I will write a novel. 4) Choose the sentence with the correct word order. a) I am the laundry doing. b) The laundry I am doing. c) I am doing the laundry. 5) What auxiliary do we use with the progress aspect? a) do b) have c) be  6) What is the ending of a verb in the progressive tenses? a) ing b) ed c) s 7) In which context do we use the progressive aspect? a) A repeated action. b) An action that was ongoing at a time in the past. c) A completed action. d) An ongoing action in the present. e) An ongoing action in the future. 8) Complete the Dialogue: Person A: "What ___?" Person B: "I ___ my keys. Have you seen them?" a) you do/lose b) are you doing/lost c) are you doing/am losing d) do you do/lose 9) "While I will be doing my homework, my friends ___ a movie at the cinema tonight." a) will watch b) watch c) will be watching d) will not watch 10) Identify the correct progressive tense. a) I will travel to Paris next year. b) During the holidays, I will be travelling to Paris. c) I travelled to Paris last year. d) I travel to Paris every year. 11) Which sentence contains the progressive aspect? a) He went to the store yesterday. b) They will eat lunch later. c) I play tennis every Sunday. d) She is eating lunch right now. 12) "The progressive aspect is used to describe actions that are completed in the past." a) True b) False 13) Identify the sentences with an error in the use of future progressive tense: a) They will be finish the project by tomorrow. b) I will be studying for exams when you will be celebrating.  c) She will be cooking dinner tonight while I will be on the bus. d) We will plays music at the party.

Progressive Aspect


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