1) Which type of joint allows for the most amount of movement? a) synarthrosis b) diarthrosis c) amphiarthrosis 2) A joint is... (select all that apply) a) Where two bones meet b) where minerals are stored c) where movement happens d) Classified by tissue type e) Always filled with synovial fluid f) Classified by degree of movement permitted 3) Three types of joints classified by tissue type include: a) fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial b) fibrous, non-fibrous, cartilaginous c) diarthrosis, articular, synovial d) plane, hinge, ball & socket e) tendonous, cartilaginous, muscular f) Synarthrosis, Amphiarthrosis, Diarthrosis 4) How many different types of synovial joints are there? a) 3 b) 6 c) 4 d) 9 5) What type of joint is found in the thoracic and lumbar spine? a) Hinge b) Saddle c) Plane d) Condyloid e) Pivot 6) The ankle is what type of joint? a) Saddle b) Hinge c) Plane 7) What type of joint is the glenohumeral? a) Saddle b) Ellipsoid c) Pivot d) Hinge e) Ball & Socket 8) What makes up a part of a synovial joint? (choose all that apply) a) Joint cavity b) Synovial fluid c) Sutures 9) What type of joint is the patellofemoral joint? a) Ball & Socket b) Hinge c) Saddle d) Condyloid e) Plane f) Pivot 10) What type of movements are permitted in a hinge joint? a) Medial/Lateral Rotation b) Anything along longitudinal axis c) Flexion & Extension d) Abduction/Adduction & Flexion/Extension 11) What planes of movement are permitted in a Saddle joint? a) Sagittal and Transverse b) Sagittal and Frontal c) Transverse & Frontal 12) What type of joint is found in the wrist ? a) Hinge b) Saddle c) Ellipsoid/Condyloid d) Pivot e) Ball & Socket f) Plane/Gliding 13) Which of these are Pivot Joints? (click all that apply) a) Radiocarpal joint  b) Atlantoaxial joint c) Carpometacarpal joint d) Proximal Radioulnar joint e) Sternoclavicular joint f) None of the above 14) Which are Uniaxial joints? (select all that apply) a) Ellipsoid/Condyloid b) Plane c) Hinge d) Pivot e) Ball & Socket f) Saddle 15) What is the role of Cartilage? (select all that apply) a) Reduces friction b) Holds bones together c) Acts as shock absorber d) Protects articular surfaces of bones e) Incapsulates the synovial joint f) Stores important minerals 16) What is the role of a Ligament? a) Connects muscle to bone b) Connects bone to bone c) Connects tendon to bone 17) Where would you find a Ball & Socket joint? (select all that apply) a) Knee b) Cervical Spine c) Thumb d) Hip e) Shoulder f) Cranium 18) Where would you find Thoracolumbar Fascia? a) Across the ribcage b) Throughout the chest c) Contained within the abdominal region d) Thoracic region to the sacrum e) Throughout all blood vessels and organs f) Within the appendicular skeleton 19) What type of joint would you find at the thumb? a) Ball & Socket b) Hinge c) Pivot d) Ellipsoid/Condyloid e) Saddle f) Plane 20) What type of movement is NOT permitted at a Saddle Joint? a) Abduction b) Flexion c) Rotation d) Adduction e) Extension 21) An Ellipsoid/Condyloid joint is a modified version of which? a) Saddle joint b) Plane Joint c) Ball & Socket joint d) Hinge Joint e) Pivot Joint

Joint & Connective Tissue Quiz - Functional Anatomy

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