A Student's Quest for Balance Jake was a college student who was always on the go. He was involved in multiple clubs and activities, and he often found himself ____ or ____ because he didn't have time to cook. He also had a habit of snacking on junk food throughout the day, which he knew wasn't good for his health. As midterms approached, Jake realized that he needed to make some changes to his lifestyle. He started by trying to ____ his takeaways and ____ less often. He also made an effort to pack his own lunches and snacks to take to class, so he wouldn't be tempted to buy junk food on campus. Jake knew that he needed to make some changes to his diet as well. He decided to cut ____ processed foods and sugary snacks, and he started eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. He also made an effort to drink more water throughout the day and to cut ____ on sugary drinks. Despite his busy schedule, Jake made it a priority to take care of his health. He started going for runs in the morning before class, and he found that it helped him feel more energized and focused throughout the day. He also stopped ____ to get more sleep and to take breaks when he needed them. As Jake's health improved, he found that he was able to perform better in class and in his extracurricular activities. He also realized that taking care of himself was not only important for his physical health but also for his mental well-being. He continued to make healthy choices and to prioritize his health, knowing that it was an investment in his future success. Moral of the story: Taking care of your health is important, even in a busy college life. Making small changes, like cutting ____ takeaways and eating ____, ____ out unhealthy foods from your diet, and taking time for exercise and self-care, can have a significant impact on your well-being and performance. Investing in your health is an investment in your future success.


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