School canteen - A place in a school where food and meals are sold, Nourishing  - Such drink or food makes you healthy and strong, Fussy eater - not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about food, Junk food - Food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat, Be allergic to.... (something) - Such people can’t eat/drink / smell some thing, because of their body reaction ( it’s bad reaction, like illness), Put on weight/ gain weight - If someone does it, he becomes heavier and fatter , Loose weight - If someone does it, he becomes lighter and thinner , Be on a diet - It’s a situation when person has an eating plan in which he eats less food, or only particular types of food because they want to become thinner or for medical reasons, Balanced diet - Healthy diet , Undercooked  - not cooked enough, Overcooked  - Cooked longer than necessary, Side salad - Green salad ,

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