Tell me about a time when you delivered an excellent customer service, What are your strengths?, What would you say are some of your weaknesses?, Why do you want to work for our airline?, What are the different challenges facing our airline right now?, Tell me about yourself, Why do you want to be cabin crew?, How would you deal with a difficult passenger?, What will you like and dislike the most about being Cabin Crew?, List the different duties and responsibilities you will have as Cabin Crew for our airline, Tell me about a time when you demonstrated flexibility and adaptability in a previous role, How would you deal with a passenger's complaint whilst on board a flight? , A child won't stop crying on board a flight and some of the passengers are complaining. How would you deal with the situation?, How will being Cabin Crew impact on your personal and social life?, What have you done to prepare for a career as Cabin Crew?, What would you do if you had to work with someone on the flight who you really disliked?, Tell me about a time when you lost your temper, Why should we hire you?, What do you know about our company?, What's your opinion on different cultures?, Where have you travelled before?, How did you resolve a conflict with a colleague?, How would your friends describe you?, How would you cope with long shifts?, How long do you expect to work for our airline?, Do you have any questions for us?.

Cabin Crew Interview

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