General English class - Large group of learners with one teacher. Furniture may be shared tables or individual desks, can be grouped in different ways, but allowing all learners to see the board., Pair work - Learners each work with one other learner on specific tasks. The furniture layout should allow each pair to collaborate, potentially separately from other pairs in the room., Group work - Learners each work with 2 - 5 other learners on specific tasks. The furniture layout should allow each group to collaborate, potentially separately from other groups in the room., Formal examination - Learners complete a formal examination individually. The furniture layout should provide for individual separation to avoid cheating or other academic malpractice., Formal lecture - The teacher presents to the whole class from the front. Emphasis is on the most efficient seating arrangement for the space, often in rows. This type of learning activity is rare in ELT lessons,

Classroom Environment


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