Hello, today ____ to talk to you about my house. My house ____ in London. It is a ____ house, which means it's not ____ on to any other houses. It is ____. Downstairs ____ a utility room where we ____ the washing machine, the ____ and a freezer. Also downstairs there's a ____, living room, ____ and a bathroom. The kitchen is ____ big, it has a ____ table where we eat, so we don't have a ____ dining room. There's the ____, where we ____ sit and watch TV. This is the conservatory, where we sit and look at the ____ and watch the ____ in the garden. Even ____ we live in a ____ our garden has ____, squirrels and lots of ____ birds. Upstairs there are two big ____, two ____ bedrooms, a ____ and a ____ where my husband has his ____ and where he works. We ____ to this house in the ____ 2000 and we are quite ____ here. It's near the ____ and very ____ for the shops. What ____ your house? ____ it like.

Talking about your house


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