1) Why doesn't Lindy want to tell her friends, Asha and Claire, the truth about her conversation with Shanna? a) she's standing outside and it's cold b) she doesn't want them to know that she stole from Mrs. Naulty c) she doesn't trust them d) she has other things to do 2) At the beginning of Chapter 9, Asha and Claire have to go to history class. Which class does Lindy have to attend? a) History b) English c) Math d) French 3) On Saturday, Lindy works for Mrs. Naulty again, but this time she doesn't take the two 5 dollar bills she is given. What does she do with them? a) She puts it in a kitchen drawer because she wants to repay the money she stole. b) She puts the money her pocket c) She gives the money to Shanna d) She puts the money in Mrs. Naulty's pocket. 4) How much money does Lindy have to give her parents each week to repay them the loan they gave Lindy? a) $10 per week b) $20 per week c) $30 per week d) $40 per week 5) Who is the cute new cashier at Jazzy's convenience store? a) Stuart b) Richard c) Ben d) Matthew e) Franklin 6) Which day does Ben usually work at Jazzy's? a) Mondays b) Wednesdays c) Saturdays d) Sundays 7) Why does Claire "start batting her eyelashes and making kissy noises" at Lindy? a) Claire has a crush on Ben b) Claire thinks Lindy has a crush on Ben c) Lindy thinks Claire has a crush on Ben d) Claire has a crush on Lindy 8) Where is Lindy when she next sees Shanna? a) By her locker at school b) Outside Jazzy's c) In the school playground d) by a phone booth in the street 9) How much money does Lindy give to Shanna the first time? a) none b) $10 c) $20 d) $25 10) How much money does Lindy give to Shanna the second time? a) none b) $10 c) $20 d) $25 11) Why does Lindy give Shanna the money? a) Because she feels sorry for her b) Because she owes it to her c) Because Shanna threatens to tell Ms. Komiuk d) Because Shanna asks nicely for it. 12) How does Shanna know when Lindy is working? a) She is spying on her b) She has seen her work schedule c) Lindy told her d) Lindy's clients told her

Bad Business quiz Ch 9 & 10


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