1) highly durable metal 2) high-pressure 3) assemble several bars 4) mold base 5) milling machine 6) right dimension 7) technical design 8) several components 9) factory drills 10) holes in each base 11) pins and bushings 12) a grinder smooths and levels the surface 13) high precision 14) a computer-guided tooling machine 15) wearing away the steel particle by particle 16) tooling machine 17) fine detailing 18) carving 19) copper electrode 20) polishing the electrode 21) ensure flawless casting 22) sophisticated measuring device 23) electric current 24) penetrates the mold forming a cavity 25) draw coolant lines 26) cooling fluid 27) the hardening of the molten plastic 28) engraves the letters in reverse 29) the surface of the cavity is rough 30) rubber injection



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