notion - thought or idea, swaggered - walked with a conceited attitude or with swag, astonded - surprised or overwhelmed, ignorant - lacking in knowledge, whittle - to form something with wood using a knife, thrill - a sudden wave of excitement and emotion, regretted - wished something hasn't happened , relieved - eased or allieved, slathered - spead or applied quickly, fierce - wild or intense, tattered - ragged or worn, defiant - bodly resistant or challenging, trespassing - wrongfully entering someone else's land, pacing - walking back and forth regularly, evaporated - disappered, forbidden - not allowed, suspended - to hang in the air, fervently - excited or passionately, mocking - mimicking and ridiculing, dismayed - alarmed, materialized - appeared, reproachful - critical or disapproving, seep - flow or ooze gradually, soothes - comfort, cautioning - warning, gratitude - thankfulness, oblivious - unaware, stunned - shocked, marveled - wondered at something extraordinary, coward - a person who lacks courage,

Tiger Rising Vocab


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