In 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England. Many castles and cathedrals were built., In 1150 when Henry II was ruling England was part of an empire that included Ireland and parts of France., After the death of Henry III, his son Edward inherits the throne and invades north Wales., The 100 year war between France and England lasted from 1337 to 1453. Both countries fought for territory., By 1500, English kings lost control of lands in Ireland, except a coastal town near Dublin., During the Age of Exploration, many English seamen sailed and discovered new lands, which marked the beginning of the British Empire., Financed by English merchants, Italian explorer John Cabot discovered lands in Canada, By 1558 Sir Walter Raleigh and Captain John Smith found colonies in America., 1620s - English colonies had been founded in the West Indies, Settler began to use slave labour for their sugar and tobacco plantations., In 1664, the Dutch colony of New Netherland was captured and renamed by the English as New York, In 1757, the Battle of Plassey drove out the French, which later led to the establishment of British India., Between 1756 and 1763, culminating the Seven Years’ War, General James Wolfe captured Quebec in 1759 which put Canada under British control., Twenty years after the war ended, in 1783, under the Treaty of Paris, Britain gained control of Canada., By the 18th century, Britain fought several battles against the French and took over the French colonies., Before the break out of the American War of Independence in 1775, the American colonies were settled by British people., The British were defeated in the American War of Independence, which ended the ‘first British Empire.’, In 1787, British prisoners were first transported to Australia., In 1857, as a result of the Indian Mutiny, the British government took control of India from the East india Company., By 1867, Canada became a dominion of Britain, followed by Australia and New Zealand in 1907., Queen Victoria became the Empress of India in 1876., Between 1881 and 1919, the scramble for Africa led to British getting colonies in Africa. Moreover, the Second Boer War resulted in the conquest of South Africa..

The development of the British Empire (timeline activity)

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